Sayde + Colton Elopement - Manhattan, KS


I got the privilege of shooting the sweetest elopement style wedding in the Flint Hills of Manhattan, KS. It was nothing short of amazing. Sayde + Colton have been together for 8 years and they decided on November 20th 2017 they were going to get hitched with their family by their side. After the ceremony was over we took a little drive over to visit his mom on their wedding day and it was one of the sweetest moments I have witnessed as a photographer. After  spending time with them both on two separate occasions it was very transparent to see how genuine both their souls are. Each time I spent with them they showered me with gifts, even on THEIR wedding day. I am so blessed to have the clients that I do. Sayde + Colton I adore you both and I am so thankful you chose me. Getting to document ya'lls day stole my heart. I love the intimate and simplicitic ways of elopements. Sayde + Colton, may you both have many years to come of simplicity, love, and pure happiness. 

Sydney Davidson Co.

Sydney Davidson Co. — Traveling Lifestyle + Wedding Photographer based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I choose to go with Sydney Davidson Co. as my brand name because there is a variety of things I share aside from just photography. I love to share life happenings, interior design + home projects, healthy recipes, happiness + laughter, and so much more! Thank you for following along with my journey!

Courtney + Tyler


Jake + Megan